Want to thrive in your Biz? Get Support ASAP!

Nik Chung
4 min readJul 17, 2020

If you’re anything like me, you might baulk at the idea of ‘being supported’.

In the past I identified strongly as an independent woman — I could do it all and I would do it on my own. I didn’t need anyone else to rely on.

And some of what that identity taught me was and is, still incredibly useful.

But the part that is less useful is what I want to chat about today — not being able to ask for and not valuing, support.

Being supported in your business is one of the areas that I see so many entrepreneurs skimping on.

Because of budget, because they CAN do it themselves (can, doesn’t mean you should, btw) or because they simply don’t see the value in receiving support.

If I was to go back in my entrepreneurial journey I would straight up say to myself “GET YOURSELF SUPPORT!”

And to go one step further — get yourself LONG TERM, DEEP, support.

The reason I say this, is because we all know the ups and downs we experience in this business! And having peeps who you can rely on, who are on your side and can help you through, is GOLD!

You really need these people to be available to call on when shit hits the fan!

And on top of that you need to invest time and energy into these relationships so that you can feel safe having deep discussions with them, getting vulnerable with them, being accountable to them, learning from them and sharing with them — on a regular basis!

To really thrive, we need to have that ongoing support that we can count on, to get unstuck, to get perspectives, to help us move more into our limitless selves!

“To really thrive, we need to have that ongoing support that we can count on, to get unstuck, to get perspectives, to help us move more into our limitless selves!”

And… you know what the best support is in business? PAID SUPPORT!

Yup, I said it. Why?

Two reasons:

One — because then the energy exchange feels equal and there are clear boundaries and expectations of what the relationships looks like.

Two — money is one of the most powerful motivators for maintaining your relationships, ESPECIALLY for entrepreneurs who are very aware of each penny that goes in and out of their business ;)

I’ve tried the “free” versions of all kinds of support — accountability groups, co-work environments, coaching — and they never have had the same impact on me as anything I’ve ever paid for.

There are a few reasons for this:

In terms of free accountability/support/co-work groups:

  • The commitment on my end is very low, because there is no real investment that speaks louder than money ;)
  • The commitment for OTHERS is low too because of above.
  • The lack of commitment from both ends, results in the groups being of low attendance rate (ie. no reliability).
  • Usually there are no clear boundaries that create reliability, trust, safety and a committed environment.
  • Usually there is no clear, common intention of the group.
  • This together with the above loose boundaries creates, surface-level, shallow support (not really getting to the nitty gritty of why you are experiencing the rough patches in your business) and haphazard, unfocussed and unproductive time.

In terms of free 1:1 or group coaching:

  • Again, there is a low commitment for creating real deep change from me, because I really haven’t invested anything except my time and there is no “social obligation” as I have not had time to form any deep relationship with the coach.
  • There is no chance for feedback, reassurance or otherwise as usually these free sessions are one-off.
  • The relationship is too short to form real trust and safety so that my vulnerability can come to the surface, to clear out the real, deep fears that stop me from creating more magic in my business.

Since, I’ve started working long-term with (paid) coaches and groups, who support me on the practical and energetic aspects of my business, everything has become clearer and easier to do.

I get answers a lot quicker, I can make progress without getting stuck (too long) in my head and I can lean in for support and get accountability to make sure I do what I say I will!

Getting support through paid 1:1 coaching, group coaching, memberships, masterminds, or purely practical things like VAs, SM managers etc allows you to free up your energy to direct into your zone of genius!

No more wasting time and attention, in areas of your business that keep you stuck and small!

And more energy into creating and facilitating your Soul’s purpose through your business!

Remember, when we receive the right sort of support, we allow ourselves to step into the most authentic, powerful versions of ourselves, because the shit that keeps us small and confused, is dealt with quicker!

When we receive the right sort of support, we allow ourselves to step into the most authentic, powerful versions of ourselves, because the shit that keeps us small and confused, is dealt with quicker!

Originally published at https://www.nikchung.com on July 17, 2020.



Nik Chung

I help women in spiritual business stand out and be seen by creating authentic, soul-aligned, branding and marketing practices. Walk Your Own Path & Thrive!